
Paarden baai – Blue Horses (2015) until present day, is an extension of an indoor art installation Paradise Park’ (2011-2014) until present day. Presented at the artist studio.

‘Restoration of nature is restoration of being human’.

A space falling in time, sea, ocean, life, love. Paradise Park is a dream-state, representing a space in between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, connected to a hybrid globalized subject. Influenced on immigrants, heritage, and storytelling. At the same time, an allegory representing ancestral memories. Paradise Park archives metaphors on flora, fauna and human beings. Species such as rotating flora and floating fauna and sound by Vangelis ‘ la petite Fille de La Mer. A space that unites in between deep sea water. A fantasy park that represents a paradise energy between continents, a cultural and a visual language. Plants are sensitive and vulnerable, at the same time bordering arrangements. Birds with narratives. The installation is an immersive experience and highlights the senses. It addresses the notion of time and space, the relationship between the soul and the material world.
– Osaira Muyale.

Paarden baai – Cabainan Blauw, ’(2015/2025) ta un extencion di un instalation di arte den un espacio paden ‘Paradise Park’ (2011-2014/2025), un espacio cu ta traha pa e artist visual Osaira Muyale na su studio y cu ta representa tempo, laman, bida y amor. ParadisePark’ ta un sonjo cu ta representa e espacio mey mey lama Atlantico y lama Caribe, cu ta conecta e globolisacion hibrido. Influencia pa immigrante, herencia  y storianan y narracionan. Na mes momento un alorgÍa cu ta representa e memoria ancestral. E installation ta habita cu sculturanan unda cabai, parha, pisca mata y e ser humano ta crusa otro den un espacio. Paradise Park ta archiva metáforanan, pensamento di un realidad y concepto cu ta wordo expresa pa medio di realidad of concepto diferente y of cu nan dos por tin un realidad enconhunto cu ta crea e bida di cada un cu ta biba riba e isla y planeta aki y cu ta wordo afecta diariamente. E Especienan di e mundo aki ta wordo associa cu e bida di e ser humano y cu e mundo di naturalesa, y afecta door di e actionan humano cu ta afecta naturalesa, e.o. e parjananan, e mundo di nos flora y fauna cu a y ta representa cu un obra cu ta flota y drei  cubri pa zonido di Vangelis “ La petite Fille de la mer (e mucha muher chiqito di lama). E espacio aki cu tin anectodas den awanan profundo. Un parke di fantasía unda energia di paraiso ta wordo estableci den tempo entre continentenan y asina specifica e lenguahe cultural y visual. E fasinancion di Muyale pa parha ta bai te cu un obra flotante. Un scultura cu ta refleha un famia hibrido. Cu sensibilidad y vunerabilidad  rondona cu blaatchinan cu ta sali yega te na e bishitante y of na e mes momento representa un areglo di flor. E  installation destaca aki ta un experencia y ta dirigi tur nocion di e sentidonan den tempo y espacio. Un entre e alma, e ser humano y e mundo material. – Texto Osaira Muyale.

Paardenbaai – Blue Horses, embodies an important part of the early history of Oranjestad; the natural harbor facilitated horse trade that dates back to the early days of Spanish colonization of Aruba. This trade in livestock and primarily horses was one of the key factors in the early development of commerce and later settlement of the town at the bay. During the following three centuries, the horse trade remained important for the island: for the Spanish period during conquest (1500’s), and later for the Dutch under the West Indian Company rule (1600’s and 1700’s) Aruba remained as what could be considered a ranch that facilitated the colonization projects. In the early Dutch Colonial period (1800’s & 1900’s) this role diminished and a shift to other industries and small scale farming became more important. Thus for over four centuries a great variety of livestock (primarily horses) was kept on the island where it remained accessible and could easily be transported to other destinations. Historic accounts relate that at times the herds would count up to thousands of horses, roaming the island. Testament to the foundational importance of this period is the simple fact that from this period onwards and to this day, almost two hundred years after the official re-naming of Playa Caballos to Oranjestad (1824), the town at the bay is still referred to as Playa and its residents are still known as Playeros, in the local language Papiamento. The importance of the Caribbean Sea and the Horse Bay is also evident in the symbolic blue color of the horses, serving as a reminder of their voyage to and from the island. A deep blue color that still bathes their skin as if they seemingly just emerged from the bay pacing forward into town confronting us with the rich identity of our past.
Renwick Heronimo, curator

Paardenbaai, Cabainan blauw ta Arte den espacio Publico, E ta  contribui cu Aruba su Cultura contemporaneo y ta preserva e  storianan di Aruba su historia di e comunidad, e infrastructura,  comercio y  identidad local. E thema di e 8 sculpturanan, di cabainan, cu tin tamayo di un cabai den realidad ta un tributo na Paardenbaai, na Playa y Rancho. E nomber di Paardenbaai, ta proveni di de e comercio y e economia cu ta tin entre Aruba y Europa na siglo 17. Aruba y Hulanda tawata entrecambia den comercio di ganado, especialmente de comercio di Cabai. E Arubianonan tawta cumpra cabai na e costa di Venezuela y Colombia hunto cu e cien indiannan cu ainda tawata biba serka di Forti Abow unda awor ta e laman di Paardenbaai. Nan tawta tin suficiente espacio pa biba y galopia na e ranchonan pa nan por a multiplika tranqilamente. E exportacion international di cabai a cuminsa na siglo 1800 y tawata un momento di hopi sosten pa e comercio na Aruba, specialmente pa e paisnan cu tawata den negoshi sucu. Un cabai tawata un contribution enorme pa enriquese e sibilisacion. E 8 esculturanan traha pa e artista Osaira Muyale ta representa noblesa, Gracia, Beyesa, lebertad, y fortalesa. Nan ta representa e coloboracion estrecho dien e mundo di comercio entre e comunidad Arubiano local y comunidadnan international, manera Europa, Sur Amerika,e islanan Caribense, y Mediteraneo. E 8 cabainan blauw ta representa e importancia di e momento historic aki  unda e cabainan tawata bula di e barconan den e laman Caribense y asina landa bai terra firme di Aruba. Pesey e nomber Paardenbaai a origina. Na 6 puntonan strategico manera yama na Down Town of Centro di Oranjestad of tambe yama Playa. Aki e cabainan tawata instala y tawata tuma 6 luna pa nan wordo prepara pa e sigiente projecto. Den e tempo aki di 6 luna nan tawata cana y instla nan mes wardando pa nan madura y asina haya nan mes karakter y postura y asina mes nan tawata keda den union cu nan famianan. Referencias: Biblioteca National Aruba, Hartoch.J.Aruba zoals het was en zoals het werd Hartoch .J. 1960, Het oude Fort van Aruba Willem.P.1950-1960. De Nederlandse Antillen , A.H and Iglesia protestant Aruba in oude ansichten, Een reisje naar Aruba Dominee Bosch.

Paardenbaai- Cabainan Blauw, arte den e spacio publico ta incorpora un parti importante di e historia contemporaneo di Oranjestad. E waf, e bahía natural cu a facilita e comercio di e cabainan den e tempo di colonisacion Spanjo di Aruba. E comercio  y principlamente e cabainan tawata e factor clave den e desaroyo di comercio y a yuda tambe cu stabilisa e pueblo den e tempo ey na Oranjestad. Durante  e sigiente 3 siglonan, e comercio di cabai a sigi ta importante pa e isla. Especialmente durante  e conqista Spaño (1500) y despues pa e Hulandesnan bow di e gobernacion y compania WIC- West Indies Companie (siglonan 1600-1700). Na principio Aruba a mantene su estabilicimento cu facilidadnan di manera  ta wordo yama cu Ranchos cu a facilita e projectonan di colonizacion. Na principio di e periodo colonial Hulandes (1800-1900) a cambia y yuda e otro industrianan manera  agricultura na escala mas chiqito y a yuda pa bira mas importante e tempo ey. Asina durante mas cu 4 siglo, cu un gran variacion di ganado (cattle/vee) principalmente cabai a yuda mantene e isla mas asesibel y a facilita e transportacion di e.o. comercio cu otro destinacionan. Den e relatonan historico. Den bukinan di historia ta wordo scibi cu tawata yega un multitud di miles di cabainan cu tawata cana riba e waf y riba e isla. E testiminionan y simpel hecho  importante di e periodio ey te cu e tempo aki cu ta awe casi 200 aña despues cu e nomber official a wordo cambia pa Playa Cabayos  ofwel Paardenbaai na Oranjestad (1824) e pueblo (comunidad) di waf ainda ta wordo considera na e  hendenan di Playa of Playero, na nos idiona Papiamento. E importancia symbolico di e laman Caribense y e waf di cabai tambe ta evidente na e color blauw di e cabinan traha pa e artista Osaira Muyale cu a dunele asina e importancia pa recorda e recorida de viahenan cu tawata bini y bai desde Aruba su waf. Un color blauw profundo cu ainda ta cubri nan cuero cu ta parse manera  cu ta e momento aki nan ta sali y cana bai den e centro di Oranjestad y asina confronta nos cu indentidad y nos pasado.

Government of Aruba Aruba Tourism Authority Mondriaan Fund UNOCA Tiara Air GenAir Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Fundacion Eterno